I took peppers from green house to indoors couple of weeks ago as nights got colder and there wasn´t no hope to get them ripe in there. For this dish I used Chocolate Peppers, which seeds my dear friend Ulla (yes, another one) sent me from USA. Thank you very much! I was hoping they´ll have chocolate flavour, but they didn´t. They were long, brownish red peppers. In this small pic they´ve just got indoors.

I roasted peppers in the oven and after they were bit cooled I took skin off. Some extra virgin olive oli, garlic clove and some rosemary to frying pan and on top went the peppers. I had sourdough bread rolls so I cut them to pieces and fryed them as croutons after peppers were put onto plates were chunks of goat cheese waited them. To finish fried bread and some salt & pepper from mill. Delicious!
Paahdoin paprikat uunissa ja kun ne olivat käsiteltävissä, otin kuoret irti niistä. Extra virgin -oliiviöljyä pannulle kera valkosipulin kynnen ja murskatun rosmariinin. Ja päälle paprikat. Minulla oli taikinajuureen tehtyjä sämpylöitä, joten leikkasin niitä reiluiksi paloiksi ja paistoin ne kuten krutongit, kunhan olin paprikat siirtänyt lautasille, joilla vuohenjuustopalaset odottivat niitä. Lopuksi päälle paistetut leipäpalat ja suolaa & pippuria myllystä. Herkullista!
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